?Which one will enhance African development, Aid or Investments???

  • Emmanuel

    April 29, 2022 at 5:21 pm

    Investments come with responsibility, accountability and expansion. If Africa must be independent it would be through investments than aid. We have several aid organizations in every part if Africa. How has that improved Africa over the years. As important as aid is it may just go a short way to ensure temporary relief. If we must talk sustainability and ling term benefits we must talk investments

    • boma-miranda-emmira

      April 29, 2022 at 6:47 pm

      Wow This is applaudable. Aid is short term and Investment is long-term. Great. I am wondering Though would Investments by foreign bodies not be more beneficial to them than Africa?

    • belle

      May 2, 2022 at 8:12 am

      I could not agree more. Question however becomes – how can investing in Africa be facilitated? How can the average African participate? How can more investments be encouraged?

      • chuyum-sylvester

        May 7, 2022 at 12:21 am

        One of the most trouble aspect of Africans has been behavior.. The problem of miss trust. How we facilitate aids in Africa, it by Africans investing first on themselves. We suffer more from identity crisis. We don’t trust each other then could those giving the aids trust us? It just like playing try and luck game. Most Indians are the top executive of Africans top businesses because they have proven trust worthy. And back home in Indian, the are fast developing. People manage money but in Africa, money manage people. We suffer from brain disorder of money. Africans need money therapy eradication. We can be the example if only we start with the little we have. And we shouldn’t add our selfish desires and interest in it when it start growing. Africans think poverty is the lack of money. I see poverty as a mindset.

  • chuyum-sylvester

    April 29, 2022 at 6:48 pm

    Aids are very much important to my point of view, due to the fact that it from aids that a good country can develop their investment strategies. Meaning a good country can received an aid in the form of investment. The Truth is Africans love substance (aids)and not stories such as investment. It may take long and the money won’t entered the pocket of the dreamer.

    • boma-miranda-emmira

      April 29, 2022 at 9:55 pm

      WOW You are very straight with your reply sir. From your response it shows African was to see before they believe reason why you prefer aids. What if the aid sent is mismanaged?

  • Kengong Pius

    April 29, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    I highly recommend Aid. This is because many organisations have come with investment in Africa and scammed Africans of their hard earned money and you hear that the investment is shutting down. It’s sad to see how many Africans have lost money because of foreign investors.

    • boma-miranda-emmira

      April 29, 2022 at 10:30 pm

      I love your point but it leaves my mind with this question, Will you conclude that investment in Africa has become a scam because of people who have failed? Are there not people who have misused aid sent for a particular purpose? Are there successful investments in Africa that has created employment for Africa?

    • belle

      May 2, 2022 at 8:16 am

      I had not thought of this angle but good point.

      However, shouldn’t Africans be vetting these opportunities better? Scamming is a global issue. Happens everywhere and the scammers are getting wiser and more sophisticated. It is not always easy to keep up with their latest schemes. With that said though, the investor is primarily responsible for doing their due diligence and not simply trusting a business because it is from ‘abroad’ or referred to them by a friend. I’m assuming of course that in some situations, perhaps these scammers are given blind trust.

  • Ngong Flavius

    April 29, 2022 at 7:54 pm

    I believe investment is better because it develops the country invested in. If aid comes in and it’s misused or not invested, what becomes of the nation? Investment for me.

    • boma-miranda-emmira

      April 29, 2022 at 10:32 pm

      Great. The question here is, which of these is more sustainable and why?

  • Barnabas Locko

    April 29, 2022 at 10:26 pm

    I will say boldly that Investment is better for every African nation. Foreign aid has a lot of loopholes. Foreign aid can increase local prices.When foreign aid is offered at any left, the goal is to help that nation create their own resource chain that can be used to create the essentials of life: food, water, clothing, and shelter. Most markets operate on the basis of supply and demand. If you give people more money to spend, then you give them more access to resources. That lessens the local supply, which drives up prices. Even though there is no cost associated with the gift, the price inflation may never go away. This process creates a cycle where foreign aid can become constantly necessary.Foreign aid can increase local prices.
    When foreign aid is offered at any left, the goal is to help that nation create their own resource chain that can be used to create the essentials of life: food, water, clothing, and shelter. Most markets operate on the basis of supply and demand. If you give people more money to spend, then you give them more access to resources. That lessens the local supply, which drives up prices. Even though there is no cost associated with the gift, the price inflation may never go away. This process creates a cycle where foreign aid can become constantly necessary.

    • boma-miranda-emmira

      April 29, 2022 at 10:35 pm

      Amazing sir. If aids is to help nations create their own resource chain, how then is it detrimental to a nation. Creating their our resource chain meaning investment opportunities. How does this retard development?

  • fobekom-emmanuel

    April 29, 2022 at 10:28 pm

    For the continent of Africa to experience meaningful economic growth, it must concentrate it’s resources and especially aid coming from International organizations and abroad on investment. When they invest in building companies and factories,invest in infrastructural development such as housing, roads and railway development, ports etc, invest in modern technologies. This is the pathway to rapid economic growth and development and consequently will reduce dependency rate in the long run on the west.

    • boma-miranda-emmira

      April 30, 2022 at 5:31 pm

      Wow great response. Does this mean you are recommending Aid and Investment?

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