Construction Of Eco Friendly City Begins In Burkina Faso


Policymakers across the African continent have embraced economic transformation and industrialization as the key to inclusive economic growth. Also, they are increasingly seeing the need for green growth—that does not endanger the continent’s natural environment. In Burkina Faso, an international construction company recently started the construction of a new eco-friendly city in Ouagadougou, Yagma, the capital of the country. Upon completion, this will be a model city for the people of the country. Meanwhile, authorities have dubbed the project “Bioclimatic City of Yagma”.
The new city project spans a total of 9,135 hectors, according to authorities. It will have nearly 158 medium, luxury, and high standard housing units, all in an environmentally friendly setting. Additionally, the residents of the city will benefit from the installation of a water treatment plant and fiber optics. The company overseeing the construction said in a statement,
“The ecological city is built to promote living together among Burkinabés. It must therefore be a restful city, a green city, a model city where it is good to live.”
How the new Eco-Friendly City will benefit the community
Authorities plan to complete it by 2023. For aspiring homeowners, to get a pie of the 12.2 million euros project, they would need 60,000 euros. Mikel Diego, the CEO of the Bioclimatic city maintained that the world is facing a severe climate change. Also, Diego maintains he desires to provide a solution for the local housing problem and contribute to local development. He added it is now imminent to construct climate-responsive buildings and cities. Diego further said,
“Faced with global warming and the scarcity of energy, we have thought of building housing adapted to the climate of the various countries where our company is established.”
Besides that, the eco-friendly city will have its own underground water drainage system. It will help recover the wastewater produced by public toilets and dwellings across the new city. Also, the ecological city will be ultra-connected and intelligent. The general manager of PNHG Filiale Burkina Faso, Yassta Ouedraogo said,
“The wastewater will go to the treatment plant for treatment, to produce clear water that will now be drinkable. This clear water will be pumped back to the various green spaces via a gravity drip irrigation system.”
Africa’s Green Future
The region is already facing the ill effects of environmental deterioration on numerous fronts. This includes seasonal flooding due to climate change. Land use practices and rapid population growth and are contributing to land degradation and deforestation, exacerbating water scarcity, and damaging fragile ecosystems. Globally, nearly five of the ten countries with the fastest surge in tree cover loss in 2001-14 were in Africa. In cities, ineffective waste management and air pollution pose serious and growing problems.
Consequently, many urban experts agree that Burkina Faso’s project is a step in the right direction. Other countries, including Rwanda, are also adopting eco-friendly policies and making their cities clean and green. What do you think about this ambitious project? Do you think your government needs to take such initiatives? Tell us in the comment section.